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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don't be Food Fooled

People today are always finding another reason to rule out another food. Enough with those lies, I’m going to reveal the truth about some of those unappreciated foods.

1.Egg Yolks
Yolks are good for you, plain and simple. Don’t toss them, eat them.

2.A Day's Water
Research shows 8 cups is not enough for the average man, we need 16 cups a day including the water in the food we eat. But don’t overdose on water, just as you wouldn’t overdose on protein.

3.Raw vegetables
Doctors are recommending to eat your veggies raw but scientist find that the cooking process makes the veggies absorb antioxidants easier. Spinach and carrots have more carotene and tomatoes have more lycopene when cooked. But don't overdo it as well.

4.Dark Chicken Meat
Breast is better, but dark meat doesn’t have as much fat as everyone claims. The dark meat has about the same amount of protein and calories but with a bonus, more testosterone boosting zinc, also dark meat is cheaper.

5.Super Salmon
Salmon has always been the underwater center of attention, there are other fish in the sea you know. Other fish such as herring, mackerel, and sardines all contain the same amount of protein and omega 3 as salmon at a way lower price.

6.Complex Carbs
Complex carbs are not meant to be taken after a workout, they contain slow releasing glucose but some have maltodextrin, a short glucose chain that can be released into the blood quickly, sending your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster ride. Instead you should save the complex carbs for solving hunger and fatigue but use simple carbs for a post workout recovery.

Don’t shun white potatoes; the white spuds are great fast digesting carbohydrates, which is perfect for a post workout snack.

8.Goji Berries
The common belief that goji berries, acai berries, or whatever berries contain the maximum amount of antioxidants has no solid evidence. Go for locally grown blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, and strawberries, they work just as well.

9.Fat Free Dairy
Fat free milk, fat free yogurt and fat free cheese, all those things have one thing in common, CLA free. When you choose to go fat free, you eliminate the CLA (conujugated linoleic acid), which has been found to protect the heart and increase overall fat burning activity. When you go fat free, you're actually going the opposite way, so choose low fat as opposed to fat free.

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